Writing to reach you
http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk42 ... m_bot1.jpg) no-repeat bottom; padding-top: 20px;">

Hehe. You're lucky I know that when you keep asking me if I started it, I don't think you're nagging, I know you just want to remind me <3


Urma looked up when the wolf addressed her. She had been so literally absorbed by her discovery that she had failed to notice his presence before, although she should have had no problem in picking up the sound of his paws. His tone was very calm, very polite. It made a small embarrassed smile creep up on her lips. She stood up on all four paws and met the stranger's gaze. "I'm...pleased to meet you, Mr. Varg." Her tone was subdued, she must have looked so foolish. Looking back at the piece of paper, she smiled more confidently, before continuing, "Yes, I can read. I take it you are able to yourself," she went on, more a statement than a real question.

Reading brought back a few memories to her. It had been one of the few things exclusive to her. Her brothers and sister didn't know how to read. She felt somehow better, being good at something. Maybe she wouldn't prove such a setback for the pack after all, if she gained a little bit of confidence. If she made friends. Right now she was too attached to her past she barely moved forward. But at least knowing this meant that she could try changing it. She knew she was up against herself. She could make a life for herself, but first she needed to give herself a chance.

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