Fires on the brink
Ice dripped down her spine as the female began to taunt her almost instantly. While she held some sort of grudged respect for her older sibling she had never taken the chance to really know her, to try and understand the reasons why the beauty did the things she did. She'd taken DaVinci's advice from early on and stayed out of Firefly's way unless she had to become involved with the woman. Now she was howling at the borders of the coyote clan, begging for trouble and putting Zana's face right to the front of it all. She felt her heckles raise slightly, knowing that the woman loved when she put the smaller female on thin ice, and right now Zana felt the sheet beneith her paws could shatter at any second. "DaVinci never ordered me to return to Inferni.." She hissed, her grey lilac eyes narrowing as she wondered just what the woman mean aside from causing trouble. She had come back because she wanted to.. why had Firefly returned.

She growled a warning to her sister as she asked. "Why then have you returned?" She was hoping to be able to send her bitch of a sister on her way quickly but the woman had already caught the attention of other Inferni members. Zana's ears pitched back as the sound of Helotes voice carried across the land. She turned her eyes to watch the male as he approached, the lone warrior in the pack, at equal rank with Zana, though always they seemed to have been at equal rank in a way. She couldn't help but wish that he would leave though as she caught onto his mocking game. While once she had teased the man about meeting her sister she had not been completely serious.. and she had never wished to be present when it happened either...but here she was in the very mists of what she wished was not happening.

Her tail swished back and forth in annoyance, ignoring the small manx feline who had chosen to hide behind her now that he was dealing with both Helotes and this strange female. She turned her eyes to Helotes as she ignored Firefly's remarks. "This is Firefly.. hopefully she will be leaving quite quickly.." she growled as she wanted this meeting to end. Her sister still was playing games though, having her fun at not telling anything as she now had her own little audience as well. Zana was far from amused.

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