Fires on the brink
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Helotes could tell from Zana’s demeanor that she was not happy with the sudden appearance of her sister, and Helotes picked up on this immediately. Ever since their talk about Halo, Helotes wanted to prove to Zana in a way that he cared for her deeply, and wished for her always to be happy; if her sister was a hindrance to this, then Helotes will show her shortly on her way.

He watched as the female wolfess batted her eyelashes at him, pouted, and kicked her feminine hips; had he been a younger, weaker man he might have fallen for this, but he saw through her womanly wiles like the farce that they were. Perhaps Zana had suggested to him that he meet her sister in jest, knowing full well that Helotes was a lady’s man, and therefore would have quite a fine time with this sultry sister. But Helotes was not going to fall for these sexual diversions this time.

He sneered at the wolfess, ears pricked forward, Oh, so this is Firefly is it? Too bad that she’s all beauty and no brains; only the mentally handicapped would not be able to see the clearly marked borders of Inferni, tides or no tides. He slipped closer to the female, noting her perfectly groomed name, the way she held herself; everything about her screamed strumpet, her feigned innocence was like the cherry on top of the whore sundae.

He gave her another grin, but this one held hints of a snarl in it, Please, do tell us princess why you have come and graced us with your incompetency? He didn’t know why, but he was quite enjoying this, he hadn't spoken down to someone in quite a long time. But she was Zana’s sister, and he was sure she would have some witty retort.

Wordcount :: +305
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