Fires on the brink
She felt herself shrinking further and further into herself the longer her sibling stood there. She had always kept a distant relationship with her sister for a reason. The woman was like a viper. She could never be tamed and she was deadly and dangerous, not just out of a need to survive but out of a want. Zana felt the tension between them prickle and warp as her sister spoke further. She had no knowledge of who Helotes was and Zana didn't wish to give her another barb to work into her flesh. She was already doing well enough with the damage she was dealing the small woman already.

Her oversized ears folded back as the sickening sweet words of the wolfess filled the air. She would have blushed if she could have, though she knew her cheek grew warm at the suggestion that Firefly spat between them. She ignored the suggestion and answered the simple question. "He never would have asked such a thing.." She said softly, though it was too late, the seed of doubt was planted in her mind. Would he have.. that voice asked. She tried to push it back but the dark tendrils were already weaving through her doubts and fears. Had she been to involved in all their lives in Eire, had she been too close to their leader.. Had Ryan wished her gone...

She had never had those kind of feeling for her sibling but she had adored him. She had worshiped him in a way, he had saved her from a likely death as a child and had raised her with kindness.. he had been the closest thing to a father to her. She shook the ideas from her head as she growled and narrowed her eyes. She should have known Firefly wouldn't appear without a game of sorts. The bitch had always had a taste for devilish antics and here she was playing right into them. She spat on the ground between them and sighed. "I grow tired of this Firefly.. just speak." She wished she could have explained things to Helotes earlier about the ways of her family but it was too late as he would learn first hand.

The small woman watched as Helotes drew closer even. Her eyes watching him a little too long as she half listened to the silly remarks of her sibling. She flicked an ear back slightly as her demented sister referred to her as a Sadira, her eyes slowly drew off of Helotes as she glared at Firefly. The woman knew full well that she was not a Sadira. She was what her mother had named her and she was fine with that. It seemed that the Sadira name came with some rather large and dangerous pawprints to fill and Zana knew she was a far fetched version of anything associated with that clan of purests. She shook her head sadly as she groaned. "I don't need your approval to belong.. nor do I need the approval of the Sadira line either." Zana was accepted as herself, bloodlines or not she knew where she belonged.. and just where she was wanted. She was starting to think that Firefly was overstaying her tolerated welcome..

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