Fires on the brink
She tried, she tried so so hard just to ignore Helotes mime work behind her sister. It grew increasingly harder to keep a straight face as she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Her grey lilac orbs flickered from his gestures to the savage and cruel beauty of her sister as she sighed. The gods really must have thought this funny to place her in the middle of such a strange and wicked family. If it wasn't one bloodline that was going to get her it was the other. She shifted her small frame from one foot to the other as she tried impatiently to wait for the two to finish their games. Some days she felt like she was raising a whole barn of heathen children, not surrounded by family and friends.

Her eyes rolled upwards finally at Helotes as Sup-Sup climbed onto her hindpaws to perch and glare at the two creatures he was disliking at the moment. Zana was finally graced with a real response from her sister and her sudden harassed stature was changed suddenly to one of interest and surprise. She had not expected DaVinci or Ryan to leave the safety of the clans of Eire for some time. She knew their children had been biting at the bit to return to the strange lands they had visited as young pups but their parents hadn't let them leave when Zana had. She almost was lost in though as she wondered what had changed to make the pair willing to try and return now.

Lilac eyes flickered back to Firefly a moment as she decided once more to ignore her comments on her own agenda. She knew that the hussy would probably find some pack or packs to start creating chaos in and the Inferni woman hoped she was far far away when these troubles began. Her sibling might be petty, but she could pack a wicked blow when she wanted to. The Sadira temper ran hot in the females of their line.. she knew it well enough.

A chill ran down her spine though as the flurries of snow fluttered around them. The low whisper of Helotes voice caused her to turned her gaze to the male who had suddenly grown serious. She realized that their own conversations in the past had probably drawn him in to speak on the insult Firefly had tried to throw at her. She flicked her ears back as Firefly didn't even bat an eye as she replied to his words, hardly phased by his threatening appearance and the fire in his eyes. Zana was a moment late in speaking up but her voice growled loud enough to be heard.

"Enough." She knew her sister was a bitch, that much was obvious to Helotes now, but she would rather her evening not be ruined by the games of half siblings who had freshly laid paw on the sands of these lands. She narrowed her eyes as she snarled. "Unless you want to find yourself a prisoner of these lands once more Firefly I'd find the shortest path to new territory if I was you.." She grinned wickedly as she raised a brow in suggestion. "Unless you'd like to see what my savage guard can do...sister." Her eyes were cold as she stared straight at the woman that somehow shared blood with her. They were alike in many ways.. but so different just the same.

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