Fires on the brink
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Helotes listened keenly to the interaction between the two sisters, just now taking heed at what they were saying. It was cryptic, but he somewhat understood it. Though Zana had never discussed in detail her past, he knew that she had lived somewhere foreign for some time with her siblings, and that she came from the Sadira as well as Lykoi line, but more than that he did not know. Helotes stood behind Firefly poised to strike her down if he had to; he wouldn’t kill her, he could not do so in front of Zana, but he would make it clear that her foolishness would not go unpunished.

But such an opportunity never presented itself, though when the bitch turned and patted it him on the cheek it was all he could do to keep from biting her hand off; but he refrained, instead donning a look that had You’re an idiot written all over it. A few more sarcastic and witty remarks were thrown before Zana showed her strength and told her sister that she best be going now, lest she see Inferni’s wrath personified through Helotes. The Lykoi grinned viciously again, holding up his razor sharp claws a little higher for the Sadira girl to see, Indeed. Though I’m not sure which one is the savage here.

He stepped forward a little, his form large in caparison to hers, making it very clear that she best be on her way and fast. He had grown exceedingly tired of her, and if he had to fight her off he would. Now, under Halo’s training, Helotes had grown extremely confident and formidable in the face of battle; he could not lose, especially against the incompetent Sadira princess. He was beginning to hold control over the beast inside him, the one that only presented itself in the intensity of the fight; where in the past he had been as like a tornado, unstoppable and uncontrollable, now he was like a lightening strike, intense and pinpointed. Firefly knew not of the true danger she was in.

Wordcount :: +345
template by revo. <3 - Table and code modifications by Alex

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