I feed the mouth that bites me-

Hurray for making Jassy's day go by faster. Big Grin

Alexey blinked, as if trying to understand the reasoning behind the explanation given to her. To tell the truth, she was slightly taken aback. The black youngster definitely had a point. And the answer she had so elegantly offered probably meant that she too, belonged to the shifter category. The Koios femme remained silent for a moment, analyzing Kol's every word as if it was mathematical equation. What was wrong with being a luperci? Many things! Wolves were not meant to stand on two legs and use weapons as if they were human. It was against the laws of nature. She swallowed hard, attempting to picture Adelaida being chased down by that luperci brute. Lexey was visibly upset with herself, knowing she should have been there to help her sister that day.

"It is more than just being a different color, or a different culture." She lowered her eyes to the floor, ashamed with herself. "One of them threatened my sister with a knife and I wasn't there to protect her." A frown settled on her face, displaying her distaste for any creature who would dare harm her family. There was a burning sensation in her stomach, a strange feeling she had never encountered up until a few weeks ago. Hatred. "Like coyotes. They hurt our loved ones just because they find it amusing." Honey-colored eyes travelled back up to Kol's face before once again inquiring about her true identity. "Are you one of them?"

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