[M] The Myth of Innocence
In despair the male had been roaming for days completely devoid of thought and reason. He had lost all sense of himself, and wandered aimlessly without care. Several days prior, his daughter, the only pup and last remnant of his pack and family had been viciously murdered in cold blood. He hadn’t been there, hadn’t been able to save her, had only returned when her body had already been massacred and nearly unrecognizable. It was the coyotes, he knew it was the coyotes! The coyotes were evil, the coyotes were vile, vicious, savages, half-breeds, half-wit MURDERERS!

He must kill them, he must punish them for taking his daughter from him. Muscles bulging and not care for pain, he had gone to Inferni, for that’s where the disgusting creatures lived. Even their borders boasted of their transgressions, their mindless killings; they should all burn! He would kill as many as he could before finally succumbing to death; he had decided he could not live any longer in this world alone. He had chosen a spot in the deep brush and waited.
It had been hours until he finally saw a chance; a large male, but nothing he couldn’t easily overcome had come into view, followed closely behind by a younger female. Perfect, two with one stone, and a young one too, around the same age as his precious Lila had been. He would kill them both and leave their heads on pikes just as they had done to his brethren.

When the two of them were talking, foolishly not paying attention he struck! Bursting forth from his hiding place he rushed the two, immediately taken down the male, who was the largest threat. The yote buckled easily under his massive paws and he was sure he had knocked him unconscious with the blow, then he turned to the young female and attacked, claws and teeth coming at her like knives and razorblades he went tackle her and rip her throat out, "DIE! DIE!!!"

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