something greater than we are.
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A shark should definitely come >_> I dunno if they live around here or what, but YES.

The youth was captivated by the waves, his eyes watching as they slowly came closer and closer toward his feet. They just kept getting higher and higher...he didn't know how much longer he'd be able to stay on the rock before they overtook him. Sirius' ears lowered as he thought about this, about going into the water to swim back to shore. It would be the only option left, really...he couldn't see the path any more. He was really afraid of the water.

He was hyperventalating now, breath coming out in short gasps. He was going to get eaten by one of those huge aquatic animals...those shark things that he'd seen pictures of. He had seen pictures of them in books that Naniko had kept on her shelves, and he knew that they lived here.

Sirius was swept off the rock as one large wave came crashing down on it, losing his footing, though his claws scrabbled at the rock surface. He was taken beneath the surface and smashed up against the rock that had previously been serving him as a safe spot before he was finally able to reach the surface. When he broke the surface he filled his lungs with air, as much as he could before he went back under.


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