Two Birds
She greeted him, and he glanced at her. She didn't seem to hate him, though most others had been distant to him. Even Auntie Rosie avoided his gaze. All Esther had offered was a cryptic mutter as he'd passed her cat infested porch. He gave a bitter half smile and a semi-shrug, his hands finding their way into the pockets of the carpenter jeans he always wore. After a moment, he spoke, his voice soft.

"Just watching the borders. Incase..." He trailed off, his expression bitter. After a moment, he spoke again. "I never expected it. I mean, I knew he was troubled, but what teenager isn't? I thought he would grow out of it. I never thought his issues ran so deeply... I should have known. Kira had her issues. His mother, that is. And Lucifer, his grandfather.... It was inevitable, I guess. I wanted to believe otherwise, but..."

He shrugged again. "Sorry... it's been rough. But it hasn't been a cake walk for you, either." He glanced at her again, a strange expression crossing his face. "I had to ask... but I meant what I said. if he comes back, he'd better hope someone reaches him before I do."

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