The Last Supper


Eris is by Kiri!

The sable hybrid listened with a cocked ear as their Boss spoke, though her mind was elsewhere. Her stomach had been moving and shifting all the live-long day, as it had these past weeks, and Eris did not think she would eat much, if anything. To be sure, the dark woman planned to take a heaping plate, but who would notice if she only picked at it? Everyone would be engrossed in their own meals. The hybrid woman did her best to ignore the unrest in her belly and focus her attentions, but it was a losing battle.

The dark woman knew the words well enough, anyway. She was already privy to that which Sirius wished to speak, and so she did not have to pay rapt attention. Yellow-green eyes searched beloved faces for brightening as the promotions were announced, and the wolfish woman could not stifle a fierce grin, directing it particularly at those who had been promoted. Salsola had passed its adventive phase and was well-established, with strong roots sunk deep into the ground. It was these canines who made it strong and kept the plant watered and alive through the long, dead winter. She was not so distracted that she missed her cue, and she gave a brief, faint smile as she stood, nodding to Sirius to signify her readiness to speak.

My darlings, she began, spreading her arms to indicate the whole of Salsola. We will welcome two new Co-Ranks on this night, as well. Liliya fills our fisherman's role, and dear Salvia fills our huntress rank. Those of you who do not yet possess a co-rank would be wise to seek after one, the coyote said, though there was no tone of admonishment in her voice. Their dearest Boss had yet to select a co-rank, even -- she would not hold the absence of such a thing against those who were still in the process of finding their perfect job.

Having nothing else to share, the coyote nodded her completeness and settled right back down to her seat, the thrashing in her belly settling a little with it. She swallowed noisily, and looked down at the expanse of cut log before her. It swam in and out of her vision, and sudden hunger gnawed at her stomach. Her earlier plans to forego eating were for naught, apparently -- ravenous hunger now roared in her belly, and she thought she would have to eat. Wonderful -- as if she had not gained enough weight.

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