echoes off of dusty walls.
!@#$%She was mistaken if she thought that he was doing this because she was a wolf. Anselm was not that senseless. He was doing it because she was a bitch. He was doing it because she had tried to push his buttons, when she could have just responded with a simple yes or no. Not even he went so far as to disrespect complete strangers that way--there was never a need to respond with anything other than neutrality. In his mind, she was the prejudiced one. Couldn't he have caught her by surprise originally? Most likely, but he hadn't. Apparently it didn't count for much.
!@#$%Her legs hunched up, and he couldn't get to her belly any more. Drat. Before he could even come up with a plan of his own, she practically threw herself at him--her paws were going right in his face. Her nails connected and scratched, but he ignored it, as she'd struck him below the eyes and gravity would only drag her paw further downward. With that, her paw was also right next to his mouth. Like a snake he struck out quickly, and his jaws clamped down hard. How could he miss this? She'd practically shoved it right into his face. All he knew was that one he had a good hold, he was going to do some damage. A wolf with three legs fought much worse than one with four.

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