something greater than we are.
Powerplay, let me know if you want me to change it, but I didn't know how else it would work. XD; Feel free to toss in something about a shark if you wish, rofl. I think they go most places, especially in the summer.

!@#$%The kid went under, and moments later Anselm did, too. He couldn't say what drove him, for there was no conscious reasoning involved as he sprinted forward quickly and then plunged into the belligerent waters. The preservation of their species? Maybe. Or could it be that nobody was born evil and malicious, but rather that they all became hardened to the shit they had to face? Time and time again, he'd been taught to ignore his "weaker" emotions, as they usually lead to some kind of hurt. Trust someone and get betrayed? At the very least you come out of it feeling lonesome and discouraged, and at worst dead. Care for somebody else? You open the doors for a world of hurt when they leave or die. It just wasn't worth it. In his experience, most people only cared about themselves, anyway--they'd pick up and take off as soon as it was convenient, regardless of their family or friends' wills.

!@#$%This was different. He was not risking his life here--he was sure of it. Fully shifted and rather powerful, he wasn't intimidated by the waves. The kid hadn't gone out too far, anyway, but he knew if he didn't get there quickly the pup might get drug further out to sea, at which point things would be more dangerous for all parties involved. As such, he moved quickly--one arm went in front of the other again and again, and before long he'd reached the jetti. Clambering onto it, he remained on all fours as the waves continued their assault. They pounded into his chest and sprayed up into his face. Shaking his head, he squinted into the water--where was the boy? Just then, the puppy came up for a breath of air. Aha! Again he jumped into the water, which came up to his chest. Reaching out a hand quickly, he grabbed at the boy where ever he could and then lifted him up over his head away from the waves. Automatically he started to make his way back to the shore.

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