backwards marathon
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"Fiume," he nodded. It only took a few pronunciations and the youngster had it down. For some reason this language came quite natural to him. It was a welcomed relief, considering Sirius always seemed to be the one who was good at everything. Italian was something Apollo would hold onto, and hopefully become better than Sirius at.

The coast was pretty self explanatory and he nodded at her instructions. He mumbled the word under his breath, reassuring his memory as he gaze went to the next illustration. It was the mansion. He had told her casa, though she revealed it was castello for mansion. "Montagna for mountain," he said out loud, confirming what Savina told him. It was interesting to discover the appropriate words and names for these things that he saw in his everyday life. "Vento," he said, for the drawing of the wind. That made sense. It was like a vent – they had those in the house and they let air into the different rooms. He didn’t know it, but he had come to realize there were several cognates of English words in Italian.

"Thanks, Savina. I’m not sure if I’m a good drawer, but here ‘goes." Since Apollo was still a pup and not able to shift into an Optime form, he drug his paw in the dirt to sketch out images. They were rougher than Savina’s… and his youthful lack of skill was definitely evident. He drew only a few pictures. A coyote, a squirrel, a rather bad representation of a sunset, a book, and a moose. He grinned up at Savina, enjoying this scholarly game of Pictionary.


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