Last kiss
Her temper, her attitude... he stared at her as if she were a stranger. And then the name. Sanja. The rest of her words tore his heart out. Who was this Sanja? Why was he the only one who could protect their family? And her threat... His head ached as he wordlessly stared at her. She demanded he leave? He bit his lip, watching his mate, his unfaithful mate, turn her back. Leave her alone? Anger and heartache filled him again, replacing the cold void. "Fine! I will leave."

He'd go stay with his mother and Soran. Maybe they could give some insight into what his mate was thinking, what his mate was doing. And yet, the name resounded in his head, the foreign name. Sanja. The mystery male who had come in and stolen his mate. He didn't know when she had done it, he didn't know how or why, but it was obvious. She had in fact, been unfaithful. He'd sworn eternal loyalty to her, and she had betrayed him.

As she closed her eyes and turned her head away, he stormed off the porch. Her grave wasn't far, and he hurried to it. He reverently set the tiny skull down, then began digging down, digging out a hole for Tameri's skull. He kissed the top of the skull and placed it in the hole, covering it tenderly, as if he were simply putting the pup in bed.

He sat there for a moment. Overhead, the stars glittered mockingly. He began speaking softly, "Grant, O Goddess thy protection, And in Protection, Strength; And in Strength, Understanding; And in Understanding, Knowledge; And in Knowledge, the Knowledge of ..." His voice broke, and he paused, his face buried in his hands. After a moment, he continued.

"The knowledge of Justice: And in the Knowledge of Justice, the Love of it; And in the Love of it, the Love of All Existences; And in the Love of All Existences, the Love of Goddess and Goodness. Rhiannon, take my Tameri into your arms. Keep her safe in your light. May I someday rejoin her in you light and your love."

He swallowed, then lifted his head and let an anguished and pained howl fall from his lips. He mourned his family, Tameri and Liam. He mourned the betrayal of Sky. He mourned the loss of trust, of hope. Tal mourned.

After his howls had subsided, he began piling rock upon rock over the grave. He had to travel further and further away to gather them, but he kept on trekking and placing the rocks. The sun was rising now, and he closed his eyes for a moment. His mate didn't want him. He would go stay with his mother. Let the bitch keep up on things around the house, let her see what he did for her. Let her see just how much this Sanja person does for her compared to what he does for her. Fuck it.

Tal turned and began the trek to Crimson Dreams. He'd come back in a little while, but he needed his own space for now.

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