cramming the world into a (phrase)

Change was a hard things to describe sometimes because somethings remained just as out of reach and intangible as they had always been. He knew his mind had fractured in many ways and he was beginning to feel almost as if there was a third person lurking in the confines of his skull. It would be ghost of whoever he had once been, the impatient and immature creature that had an all-important air about him and a cold, cynical view of the world. It was in him that all of his anger resided because his current self had given up on the rage and fury -- it was just as empty as the quiet forest and he was too tired to dwell on it anymore. So give it someone else, even if they only existed in the past. And what remained was the change, was the thing that he was now, was the quiet, sad hybrid sitting under a tree that had probably seen and lived through more though sometimes he doubted that.

Macbeth, he answered dully, slowly pulling his head back down though he didn't look at the other pair of red eyes. They seemed to have so much in common once upon a time, but he was sure that their eyes were the only things that remained, and maybe that their children had the same mother. It was my favorite, the tattered male added softly, not sure whether it still was, or if he still had a favorite at all, or if it mattered (that was an easy one; of course, it didn't matter). It was strange being there; Ahren had possibly been the only person he had thought to call a friend and he could think of absolutely nothing to say to him.


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