Allons - y Alonso!
The rushing waters and the calls of the birds all served to mask the noise of the other wolf’s approach. In fact, Alonso didn’t realize the presence of the other wolf until her words of introduction reached him. She was a beautiful white wolf that Alonso instinctively recognized as an Arctic wolf, even though he had never had the opportunity of meeting one in person. She was as big as him, and though she didn’t look aggressive, Alonso was already planning his line of attack. It wasn’t that Alonso was looking for a fight, quite the opposite actually; it was just that his experiences of the past few weeks had taught him not to trust wolves in the area quite as easily as he had back home.

As he sat pondering on his best course of action the wolf, who had introduced herself as Kiara, had
already begun to cross the stream. Alonso tensed a little, but all Kiara seemed to want was conversation. She had the glint of curiousness in her eyes that seemed to suggest that she was more interested in finding out what he was doing there than fighting him. Part of him wanted to sit and chat; he had been too busy running these past few months to have had any sort of decent conversation with another wolf, but another part of him remained afraid of the stranger in these new lands. Finally, Alonso decided to compromise. He didn’t relax his guard entirely but he did acknowledge Kiara by nodding at her and introducing himself. “Hola! My name’s Alonso. I’ve just arrived in the area from Mexico.” Deciding that he had better get started if he wanted to find a safe area to rest for the night he turned around and started to the right, away from the stream and Kiara. Before leaving he turned to Kiara and said “It was a pleasure to meet you but I really must get going. A good day to you Señorita.”

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