Two Birds
He listened to the woman. She may not have been angry with him; he, however, was angry at himself. He had failed in his promise to Tameri and her mother. He had failed to realize the biggest danger to the child was Liam. He should have left Liam behind, and yet he couldn't have. He had loved the boy then, even as he hated him now. It was a bitter hatred, a desolate feeling. He didn't know how to handle the hurt, the anger, that he felt towards the boy. Her next words gave him a feeling of dread, of guilt. He had brought the boy with him.

She spoke of the pack needing to bond, and for a moment, he considered her words with a heavy solemnity. After a moment, he spoke softly. "Capitana, if there is anything I can do to help the pack, please let me know. I told myself when I returned to Souls I would devote myself fully to the pack I joined. My mother abandoned her pack because of a blind prejudice. I will not follow her example." He bowed his head for a moment.

Little did he know that soon he and his mate would have a bitter fight, and he would walk away for a little while to stay with his mother. He would come back, of course. He wouldn't abandon the pack no matter the cause.

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