picture perfect smiles


The red w0lf chuckled at her comment, knowing well that her affinity for the children was just as strong as his. Alarice, however, had been in _Jaded Shadows longer than Endymion, and was fully aware of their tireless energy; the two-year-old was still delighted by it, but he would soon learn. Falling silent at her question, he propped himself up on his elbows and fiddled with a small black shell. It reminded him of the time he traveled to _Inferni as a child, and ended up in a brawl with some young c0y0te pup. What had he said his name was? The only thing he could really remember of the boy was his black eyes, his biting sarcasm, and his bite in general. Little did he know that the child was a son of the woman who had killed his father Salvaged. Funny how things worked.
Finally, he sighed. "I didn't find him," Endymion stated, tossing the shell away. He spoke the words without emotion, but his brow furrowed slightly. He figured Alarice would know he was talking about Thorn, so he left out the name. He didn't really want to say it anyway. In the packlands, his cheerfulness was like a front to the disappointment he was feeling, but he didn't feel comfortable talking with anyone else about the situation, save for his aunt. And now that they had time to talk, he wasn't sure if he wanted to at all.


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