Consequences of a dangerous game
Probably end this one soon? :][html]

Pilot listened to Skoll’s tale with his ears perked in interest. It seemed like a fairytale – some mythical story conjured up to entertain the young minds of curious youth. It was strange for Pilot, the wolf who had grown up so naïve, that this tale was not truly that. Instead it was an account of something that had happened years ago – it was the memoir of somebody’s life. And not just one person – hundreds it seemed. As he wiped his tools with a spare cloth, he listened as Skoll described the kingdom and the four brothers whom inherited it.

Pilot couldn’t comprehend all of the sides and view points that the various people must have been facing. He wasn’t one for politics much and didn’t understand war on a personal level. He knew only of what he had heard in stories like this. Though the story really did interest him (as he loved hearing about things that were… after all, history and learning were what Shadowed Sun was founded upon) Pilot would never understand the brutality that the world was really wrapped in. Nor the greed and power. It was something Skoll had seen up close and personal, but something Pilot hadn’t (and probably never would) experience.

"Wow," Pilot responded. Having packed up all of his tools, he turned to fully face Skoll. "Power is a scary thing," he added, thinking of the authority he held in his position of leadership. It was scary. Pilot faced that everyday. He constantly wondered if he was acting appropriately in the name of his pack members and whether or not he truly deserved to be where he was. He had faced the same issues when Storm’s leadership had fallen on his shoulders. He supposed it was because he wasn’t a natural born leader that he felt these insecurities, but he did realize that his personality allowed for him to end up where he had. "I hope nothing like that happens to any of the packs here."

He put the bag’s straps up over his shoulders, and made to stand on his feet. With Skoll all stitched up, there wasn’t much more that Pilot would be able to do for him. "Well, Skoll, rest can only help you now. And remember, take a cup of the painkiller with some food if your stitches start to become uncomfortable. And don’t try to push yourself too hard. Especially your arm," he added, gesturing towards it with one hand. "Other than that, I think that’s all I can do for you, for now."


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