Red Ribbons and Tall Tales
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In Anathema, canines took their destinies into their own hands. Naniko had a more hands-off approach, encouraging independence from the members. Independence beneath her ruling, anyway. Canines could choose laziness and sit as Zepars for their entire stay...or they could decide to get up off of their arses and do something for their pack and gain a reward - rank. The tiers in the pack were for hard working pack members who wanted to make something of themselves. It wouldn't be easy to master a trade...but once one got to the top, they could train others and relax a bit more. More highly ranked members were given harder tasks and were asked to do more by Naniko and Alaki, but they were also more respected.

She'd been growing closer to her owl friend Xian with each day, bringing it mice in return for its loyalty. Naniko had found a new use for the raptor - watching her children. Now she was padding back with one silver-toned son and one black and brown son in tow, both of their heads held low. Severus had nearly gotten mauled by the badger by the time she had reached him this time, and there was no telling what might have happened if Xian hadn't alerted her. She'd hired the owl on just in time. Severus' brother, Judas, had watched it all happen without doing anything to help his brother. He would be punished as well, eventually. Xian looked this way and that from her perch upon Naniko's shoulder before changing her mind about her mode of transportation and taking wing for the trees above.

A small gasp of surprise from behind her made the Angela look off into the distance as they neared the caves, and she gave a sharp, reprimanding glare backward at the children as a warning as the three canines approached the newest pack member and her companion. "Finn." She greeted, stopping sharply when they reached the pair. She assumed that the deer with the ribbon in his antlers was the companion she had mentioned. "This is the one, then? Children - if you see this deer running about, do not try and harm him. He's a companion here, a protected creature." The boys nodded solemnly, not speaking, their minds still full of thoughts of the reprimands that they would get once they were back to the den.

Table by Jenny!

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