M-Slaves to our Instincts
He heard her from behind him, again she seemed to be damning him for something. And once again her form came before him, clutching her arm, and her stained face in front of him. Saluce hated seeing her like this, seeing the damage he had caused. But for now he just simply stared at her. The behemoth didn’t want to talk to her anymore, he was hurt she didn’t trust him. His growls where gone as he stood there addressing her, still even unsure of what she believe he had done.

“What is it? Do you believe Nayru is pregnant because of me? Come on now, I would have had to done it way before you even left on your short absence. But you still obviously think I did, well there is no way that could have happened X’y.” If there had been any attraction there it would have been physical, Nayru was a beautiful lady but it would have been like taking advantage of his own daughter. But he wondered if she would understand that.

“It would be like mating my own daughter X’y why you would think that is beyond me. She needs our help, and if you’re feeling jealous because I haven’t been paying as much attention to you lately as her then I’m sorry, but if this is how you are going to react, I figure it’s best I go.”

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