Now is not the time to give up hope.
WC: 33o

Shawchert remained quiet as she spoke, his stare, cold as she spoke further and further. Yes they had lost more members again and it was hard to do things when he was merely a guard. He had no say in most things, not like he used to and he wouldn’t have any authority over anything either. He frowned as he listened to her, knowing she was now higher in rank than himself, the tables had turned, but he wasn’t going to turn like a pup with his tail between his legs. No he was just angry and he didn’t want to push others further away because aparently his life was meant to help aid the death of those around him.

“I had him Sky, I HAD HIM THIS CLOSE!! All I had to do was just squeeze!”

He growled. He let the torment of the boy’s release exceed Orin’s denial of her love for him. He didn’t want to admit that he wasn’t one who could be loved and live happily ever after. No He couldn’t even be with the ones he loved something always bad happened. Looking down at the woman his eyes narrowed.

“I’ve been doing my part. There’s not much else I can do. I’ve made sure that scum of a thing doesn’t come into these borders without me so much as sniffing him from a mile away.”

His deep voice was gruff and annoyed. Was this why she came? To piss him off to no end that he would just crack again? He had turned into a ball of red fury the night of the murder. He didn’t try to think about it, the memory sprang into his head at random, every time he closed his eyes he could see the blood of his son, the head, and the splattered guts all over the bookstore. Even the ghost of his son couldn’t deterr him from his thoughts.

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