never discovered
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While Hybrid's insubstantial response was cryptic and hard to really understand, it served its purpose to the young beast. He, in his own ways, was loathsome, and it only made sense to give those types of beings the things they craved, lest they grow to be abominable in strength and fury. Andre had not been born into the world asking to be hated, or to hate; it simply occurred. It was the beginning steps on a long path that would wind him into the history of Bleeding Souls and would make him like the rest of them; at least partially mad and one hundred percent bloodthirsty. He would fit in well with those who had gone down in history, who were remembered simply for their imperfections and the impact of said flaws on the world, and the lives, around them.

This went almost without saying, however. Simply the frosty expression of the child now lent to an understanding that he would later be a force with which to be reckoned. Still, for the time being, Andre was horribly under estimated, and that would be fatal for those who believed he would simply stay a child in the coming adolescence he was quickly approaching. In fact, he may have been appalled by the suggestion that he was just a mere kid, unable of truly inflicting damage.

His wit would make sure that even verbal abuse was one of the worst types of pain.

Wha' does 't smell li'e? If hell were to freeze over, he would still find a way to get Hybrid to show him these wolves, and to tell him the best ways in which to torment and punish them for even existing. Drinking the words of the dog in was only half the fun; he wanted to see it for himself, to experience it, and to commit it.


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