Leave out all the Rest

OOC No worries it's great xD -- Word Count → 231

His eyes narrowed upon her for a moment but turned swiftly away as his head did as well. He let the words pass through him possessing no desire to hear her explanations. There was no reason to keep such a weapon, or toy as she named it. He snorted and lashed his tail glowering at the distance. He leaped lightly off the porch and trotted past her, not even bothering to look. He kept his back to her, his ears swiveling to various ambient elements about them. They perked suddenly when he heard her mention her uses for it. He turned his head back to peer at her darkly. “Let’s see you throw it then…” He challenged angrily, bushy tail thrashing once. He paused, as if waiting for a reply. “Go on…Throw it.” He now growled more demanding than before. “Except this time…don’t catch it.” He turned completely around to face her straight on. If she was content on defending it, let her do so…and regret it. And indeed he saw the regret in her dark eyes, but he wasn’t about to check himself. He could not comprehend why a canines with fangs and claws of her own had need of a weapon, better yet a need to use such a thing in daily life. It’s very presence filled him with a curious loathing. Was there no end to this folly?
Take the light and darken everything around me. Call the clouds, and listen closely I'm lost without you...

template by revo. <3


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