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http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/996/thenatabgb8.png) bottom #000 no-repeat; color:#657d43; font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; line-height:1.2em; padding:1em; padding-bottom:15em; width:380px; text-align:justify;">

It was about here, when the light shifted to Corona (the least significant of them, he believed) that Andrezej decided he was wasting his time. There was little point in hanging out with a coyote and, like Hybrid had said, he seemed stupider than he looked, although Andre was still quite enthralled by the dark markings winding through the light male's fur. He didn't want to waste time looking upon Tamerlane's stormy eyes or feeling jealous that he didn't have such elaborate and glance-worthy markings, though, since he already believed his mainly grey coat was much preferable to the sunny cream colour. Corona was of less interest to the boy, simply another golden dog and another sibling (though he wasn't sure) to contend with. Another being to destroy, this one with blue eyes that would be oh-so-satisfying to strike down.

Wha'ever, he said, this directed towards Tamerlane. Yo're both id'its, too. Then he turned swiftly with the grace of a murderer, though he wasn't close to the title yet, and trotted off in the direction he'd come. There was no point in going with them to the building ahead, and no point sticking around any longer in that place. It wasn't really worth his time, in his opinion, which was all that really mattered to him.


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