Fires on the brink
Zana was silent as she watched her sister put on her final little flare of a show before turning her back on the two. She lifted her head up, her chin raised as she stared the emerald eyed beast dead on. She didn't even bother replying to the off remark on her nature, for Zana knew well enough she was exactly where she wanted to be. There was no use in testing waters with her sister, it seemed that by her own words that were fated to meet again. She didn't readily approve of having to see her dark souled sibling anytime soon but she would watch, and wait.. and do what she must when the time came.

Upon her departure Zana growled softly. "Then it is as it must be.. sister.." She said quietly. She would tend to her duties until the fierce woman found her once more, for Zana would not be drawn into a game of cat and mouse with the creature anytime soon. There was enough she had to do without getting mixed up in whatever witchery her sibling had planned. She didn't even want to start thinking of what the woman had up her sleeve since she'd found some new grounds for returning to these lands.

She watched the figure padding across the sands, finally letting out her breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. Dark banded ears flickered to and fro as the woman drew out of sight. She was quiet a moment before she spoke. "We will wait.. then make certain she's truly left the lands.." She didn't trust the woman, she didn't think she ever would.. but right now she had other things on her mind aside from silly games her Sadira sister wished to play.

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