Machiavellian, my dear

OOC I am assuming that Sebastian walked with her when she offered. If you would not like that to happen, just let me know via PM and I'll revamp my post to say she told the story while hanging out in that spot. Smile I hope this isn't terribly boring, it's her version of some of their history. If he has more questions, she'll answer, or if you wanted her to call Skye regarding possible membership I can get to her offering in the next post.

Word Count → 800+

He was from Italy? Her eyes brightened when he told her this. She knew little about the country save what she had come across in her readings – which wasn't much, nor accurate seeing as much of her time had been spent reading fantasy novels – but she did know that much of d'Arte's ranking structure was borrowed from the language, if not the culture entirely. Just one more check on the docket of his fitness for this pack.

“Wow, you come from far away. I traveled myself to get here, but not nearly as far as from across the seas. Not like that, anyway.” She thought she might end up telling the newcomer her story, but the topic on the table right now was still d'Arte.

She nodded slowly. “I would be happy to tell you more.” Her eyes looked him up and down once more as a decision was made. “Would you like to come with me? I will show you some sights while I tell you our story.” He might like to be shown around, a little. Of course, he was still a stranger and she would not take him fully into the land to learn their layout or the intricacies of their territory. If that were to be done, she would let Skye give that order. But there were a few ambiguous places within d'Arte that she could take him.

“Our founding Captain was Shawchert Menue,” there was a pang of emotion in her voice when she said his name. The woman herself had children by this man, and the wound of her recently broken engagement with him was still fresh. “The second in command being Skye Collins. Originally there were five founding members, including the leaders, and I was one of those five.” Assuming that he might like to see one of the foremost symbols of her pack, she began walking, leaving the bushel of plant yield where she had set it. She could come back to collect it later.

“Our first months we were met with a harsh winter, but we were happy and full of hope. If there is one thing I can say for d'Arte it is that it has never lost it's spirit, even through a trying first year. Our numbers grew quickly but on the cusp of the pack's birth we were hit with a vicious snowstorm. We all took shelter together in a few of the more well equipped houses to wait it out. Our houses almost became our tombs. By the time the storm was over we were buried in snow and had to dig our way out. Recovering our town from that storm was hard.” She shook her head slowly as she led him through the trees, just a short way inside d'Arte's territory, and tracing the length of the borders. “Shortly after, we were met with our first true tragedy.” Her eyes went dark as she remembered the evil that had been unleashed upon her pack.

“A devil in wolf's clothing... a man kidnapped one of... the pack's puppies and killed him. He terrorized the pack for weeks before finally being found out and run off. We were broken from it.” Her eyes cast down in an attempt to hide her grief. There was more to the story that she was not telling. The story of Argul was a blemish on d'Arte's history, but one that only served to make them stronger in the end. As it was no great secret, she saw no err in telling the man about this. “But d'Arte banded together and with each other's support we grew strong again.”

They stepped into a place of power then, and the immensity of the thing near them had Orin's amber eyes peering upwards once more. Her expression changed instantly, the darkness melting out of her eyes to be replaced by reverence and love as she looked at the adorned Border Tree. A smile came to her as she turned to look at the foxy one. “Here it is – our Border Tree. It was our great work of art, just after our founding. We all had a hand in it.”

Before them towered the largest tree in the territory, adorned with all things fanciful. Painted, written on, and ornaments and works hung from its branches. It was a true symbol of the heart of d'Arte. She searched his face, desperate to see his reaction to their greatest monument. She became silent for a moment, leaving many questions open in her story should Sebastian choose to ask. She liked the man for his inquisitiveness, and he seemed a fateful match for the pack. She decided then that should he want, she would happily call Skye to speak to him about possible membership.

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