
Much like it should be with any true wolf pack, they complimented each other perfectly, even if the women didn't fully realize what they were doing. Orin's instinctual reaction to Skye's presence served to naturally soothe something within the leader, and she watched as the frustration faded from Skye's visage to be replaced with something more warm and compassionate. This caused Orin to brighten as well, even though they spoke of sad tidings. Her ears raised again and her stance became casual. She no longer fretted about what she had to tell Skye, realizing that this wasn't the cause for her ire.

“It's... okay...” she started slowly, taking a few steps and wandering the clearing nonchalantly as she spoke to Skye. If Skye didn't mull around with her then she wouldn't wander too far from her, and was sure to face her when speaking. Otherwise, she pretended to be searching for surviving flowers. “It's kind of hard to explain. Things just didn't really feel right any more. I'm a big believer in fate and, well, things happened the first time to keep our relationship from even happening.” It's not that she blamed Sky Katruk (now Rhiannon) for Shawchert never courting her after she became pregnant with his children, nor did she blame Shawchert for it. Their joining had been emotional and unplanned for either, but she did not regret it. Still, she couldn't help but look back upon that part of her past and feel... wronged.

“And now, well, despite our best efforts of trying to put on our wedding before winter, it just didn't happen. Things don't even feel right now. How could we have the wedding in the wake of...?” She let it hang in the air. It didn't need to be said, Skye would know that she meant in the wake of Tameri's murder. There was no room for a celebration right now, and Orin did not want her mateship to be so closely connected to the gruesome murder.

“It's not just wrong because of that, either. I started... doubting. I love Shawchert... when I don't think about it much. I think I've just become used to him being there. We get along, we're good friends, but then sometimes I don't even feel like he knows me. When I think about a future... the pieces just don't feel like they're falling into place.” She was about to say something else, something about Mars and the way his presence seemed to really stem her decision, but she didn't think it would come across right. She didn't want Skye to get the wrong impression, and she knew she couldn't explain it in a way that would make sense. She couldn't even make sense of it completely, herself... how dearly she wished Mars had not left Cercatori d'Arte.

“I don't know what to do. Did I do the right thing?” She wrapped one arm around herself and placed her hand on the opposite shoulder, sort of hugging herself with one limb. Her eyes were tumultuous for a moment before they cast away from Skye completely, unsure of herself.

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