[M] Bust up
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

There was nothing more consuming and more pleasurable to the plain woman than death. The final rattle of breath as the life poured from their veins and into the surrounding grass. Staining it crimson and toxic. Perhaps if one was lucky the dieing would present you with a final scream of horror or torture as you drove them off of the edge that was life and into the chasm of death fully and completely. It was such a situation that Mercy found herself in having come across some poor fool of a woman and her child. Her mother;y devotion to her spawn had done nothing to aid the child and had cost her dearly in terms of producing any more future spawn. The female of black tones had been tied to the tree helpless and screaming her misery as Mercy had pulled apart her young one slowly, the body of the child was discarded as it had run out of that precious red fluid and his flesh had been partially consumed by the monster that was Mercy.

The glint of her jaws and unrelenting teeth were all he knew for several minutes and his screams and yelps that echoed so sweetly across the forest only served to work his heartbroken mother up even more. She called with her child as he sent audible messengers to announce his arrival at the gates of death, fighting against her tight bonds that she could not for all her strength break. Once the child was no longer a child and resembled little more than a chunk of fresh meet did Mercy turn her blood soaked face to the darker woman. Her moon yellow eye rolled in their sickly ill color, veins of bloodshot running through them. The woman who would remain nameless to her as they always did cowered from her as much as she could against the tree. The beast covered in the blood of the mother's child approached without fear and cooed to the woman as she reached out a crimson daubed paw to pat down her hair almost like one one do a lover,

"There there now." Her words were broken and heavily accented with the tongue of the Russians. "Fear, yes, should fear. I monster, you life mine." With those broken words she stroked throguh the woman's hair one last time before dragging a paw back and striking forth with endless speed, catching the woman across her face and tearing into the eye of her left side. She screamed as the sight disappeared forever from one side of her, more crimson pouring from the rapped wound that had torn away not only the eye but the flesh of the eyebrow above and the cheek below leaving a mess of destroyed flesh and a gaping hole. She flexed and bounced against the tree in her desire to escape this monster, to run away from the madness at the expense of abandoning her son's mauled and mangled corpse.

She shrieked even louder than before and Mercy laughed in the face of her terror. Her laughter turned all the more mocking as the smell of urine hit the cold frigid air, the young female had soiled herself as her fear rose to uncontrollable levels. With a sudden flash of claws Mercy sliced through the bonds holding the woman upright and she fell to the ground at the unexpected freedom. Landing on her knees the soon to be dead woman cried out as the blood rushed back to her arms from where it had been cut off by the rope. Had she been able to think at all the woman might have been smart enough to grab for Mercy's sword which for that one moment was unguarded against attacks but she was broken already by the horrific death of her son and the certainty that she would soon be joining him in his pain and finally in his death. But not for now, not for a while, Mercy was not finished playing with her.

She pulled the woman to her feet and shoved her away,

"Go! Run now! Ef you vant to live." At Mercy's push the woman fell, over balanced and landed face first into the snow. The shock of the cold iced water hitting her torn face seemed to be a wake up call for her and she scrambled forth on her hands and knees for several meters before picking herself up and fleeing. With a cold cruel laugh Mercy gave her no head start and immediately was on her tail, adding to her panic and confusion. It had only been a single blood soaked mile before Mercy finally pounced on the woman who let out a helpless scream as she was tackled to the floor. To give her credit where it was due the darker woman fought back ferociously, the death of her son and her own apparent upcoming demise had fueled her with the strength to fight back, giving mercy a deep cut on her almost flat chest. But Mercy was stronger, quicker, deadlier in her strikes and soon the woman lost her other eye to flashing jaws that also took a chunk of her face with it, tearing away some of her lip and leaving her with a disfigured grimace permanently etched onto her face.

The loss of her right eye seemed to deflate her entirely and she lay still and meek as a lamb now, simply awaiting her death. But there was no fun in that. Mercy pulled herself to her feet and ran a finger over the blood that welled from her chest, the lifeblood was licked from her finger and a rumble given appreciatively at its coppery salty taste. And without warning, or noise or fanfare she raised her leg high and brought it down on the woman's unprotected shin bone. The snap echoed it was so loud and the woman was brought into a fresh wave of hell as one by one Mercy began to snap the bones in her legs, her arms, her shoulders. Blind, and immobile the woman was completely at the non existent mercy of the cruelly and ironically named Mercy Heaven. Her empty sockets still searched fruitlessly for her attacker.

Now that the life had been completely sucked from the woman's spirit, Mercy would begin on dismantling her, piece by piece and making the horror last for seemingly endless hours. Through her life Mercy had learned the various ways to seriously, fatally hurt people without killing them immediately. And she went to work now. Pieces of flesh were torn away slowly, deliberately from the bones that gave them structure. Slowly the woman was consumed chunk by chunk, her hoarse screams lighting the air until finally the blood loss was too much and the woman succumbed to death. Teeth flashed again and the woman's body was shredded to pieced, and soon the only evidence that it had once been a wolf rather than some other prey was the skull, blood stained with its eyes gaping and cheek bones shattered.

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