tear gas riot song.


While she did not think of herself of egotistical, or even a creature driven by such things, Siv was not above such emotions. She beamed clearly at the praise, aware of the time and the talent put into the product at hand. White leather was a commodity rarely made. Ammonia needed to be collected, and this was best procured through her own body. This was why she did not enjoy the process, but it produced a truly remarkable outcome. As long as she kept her secret (and Siv was great and doing this) then white leather would belong to her bloodline alone.

Another bow was given to the dark woman to show her pleasure. When she lifted her head again, the dark woman had begun donning the clothing. This was where she worried; her measurements had been guessed on appearance alone, for Eris was far shorter and heavier than the willowy witch. She was pleased to see they were close, if not perfect, and perhaps just a tad off in an area or two…but they looked pleasing on the dark woman well enough. “It suits you,” Siv echoed, purple eyes dark with pleasure. “I would like to make you something to match your eyes, but all of my green dye was used. Perhaps early spring will provide suitable resources.”

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