Leave all your longing behind.

Titania Moonsong
if nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies

The white one was pleasantly receptive to her canid greetings, and this pleased Titania to no end. And not only was he admissive of her, but he knew how to return her greetings with his own. So he was not a man who had lost touch with his instincts as a sad many have. This made Titania happy, and it showed in the slight flick of her raised tail. When her nose prodded close to Shandom's throat the wolf held still for only a moment before backing away but the movement did not offend Titania. He had already tolerated much from her, and even that she got away with if even for the briefest of seconds before he stepped back. The important thing was that he had not reacted to her with teeth. She gave him a closed-mouth smile, not wanting to bare her teeth so close to that moment even if it was innocently. She appreciated everything he was at that moment and wanted to show him the respect he was due – reflecting the respect he demonstrated for her.

Titania nodded when he told her about the shock he had received when he first moved here. A knowing smile came to her muzzle. “I can only imagine what it must have been like. I was even born here but once I was old enough to understand for myself I couldn't stomach how purely unnatural it all felt. I'm not sure exactly what opened my eyes – when I was young my mother traveled with us a lot through the forest, mostly through the Ethereal Eclipse, but we moved to Cercatori d'Arte when I was about two months and lived there ever since. Still, it just never sat right with me. If you were from a different land... a more natural culture... I can only imagine how shocking it must have all been.”

“Hmm... it's funny,” she chortled. “My own mother lived in Cour des Miracles, too. It was before my time, but we visited often. Maybe you know my uncle, Niro Takekuro?” Her head cocked to the right with the question. It would be nice to know someone who knew her family. “But yes, I have seen their lands and it seems like just about everywhere you turn it is a place of human things. Buildings that we don't quite fit in when we're on two legs, but can't navigate around with paws. Everyone lives separately in their own homes... except for that hotel, a few group there.” She trailed off for a moment in thought as she remembered the land of Miracles that her uncle lived in.

Her attention returned to Shandom and a small chuckle cleared the last memory from her head as she remarked, “Sadly too many have forgotten their ancestors. My mother spent many nights teaching us to tap in to their memories... our ancestor's memories... so we would dream of what it was like before. I loved those dreams and held onto them dearly until I met Zalen, who taught me to make those dreams a reality.

“Yes, we did claim this place. And soon enough it will be a land as it was created to be, the home of our pack as we were created to live.” her eyes cast away as she peered over their newly marked territory. The whole time she had been speaking her gestures became more casual, more relaxed. The formality of her posturing began to melt away now that she was more comfortable with the cloudy wolf, and now there was little more for ceremony besides her tall stance and curled tail. “Since you're from the mountains, perhaps you would like to see a little more of it, Nightslayer? You might be pleasantly surprised at how much land we managed to find that had somehow escaped the vicious touch of the hume.”

Now she pranced away from him, careful upon a spot of loose snow as she leaped down a couple levels before turning to look over her shoulder. If he followed, the first place she would lead him would be her favorite place within their claim of Halcyon; the little valley within the forested mountains that she now called Avalon.

Word Count :: 711
OOC :: I'll see about having her lead up to calling Zalen in the next post for Shandom to meet, if you'd like. Big Grin

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