lunar eclipse

Word Count » 300 :: OOC: She is isn't she? HAHAHA this WILL be intersting :3 mocking her own grandchild Wink

Eclipse was headed out to go practice, this time it was to try for an actual hunt with her bow. She slung the quiver over her shoulder and held onto the bow. Knowing there were far too many wolves to do a ranged hunting within the pack’s lands She headed out towards the borders. She was small, slender, and made for quick hunting, though she would never be the one to bring down the animal in a pack hunt, she was what made the chase. She now had something that could change all of that. The bow could take down a deer. She had seen it happen before, and though she was still learning its use the best way to really learn was to actually use it in a real situation.

It seemed that her plans were to be disrupted when she saw a figure at her borders. Her defences walled up around her as she moved closer to the woman. Something in her seemed a bit familiar but Eclipse knew she had never in her life met this woman. Frowning she shook her head, knowing she had that same feeling with a bear before and look where that ended up? Maybe it was just the woman’s coloring, but that was also a common color, at least to Eclipse. Moving closer to the woman she spoke and bowed, the traditional bow with her palms together at her forehead.

“Welcome to Ichika no Hoen, my name is Eclipse Soulstorm, is there anything I can help you with?”

She said politely. Her hand loosely gripping the bow, which was faced towards the ground. She knew she would get in deep trouble if she were to point it at anyone in act of trying to hurt them.

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