.iamaPIRATE .youareaPRINCESS

Oh, why'd you have to be so cute?

Now that she and Conri were getting along better, things were much easier. She'd had fears that they might not be able to run the pack together if they were always fighting...but she had agreed to never, ever drink that alchohol stuff again and that she wouldn't go to Inferni to talk to Gabriel again. Twilight Vale could hold its own against the coyotes, now, so she agreed that they didn't need to take such extreme measures any more.

Conri had been very badly hurt by Gabriel...so she could see where he would be angry with her for trying to form a truce with him. That and the fact that Naniko herself had yelled at Conri for going over to Inferni a few weeks before.

She had been feeling a little sick lately, only able to keep down fish, so she hadn't gone off the lands for a couple of days. She felt a little stronger today, though, so she wanted a nice walk. She'd chosen her werewolf form for this. The luperci hadn't been to this place before, and she wanted to say that she had explored each and every new territory that there was to see here. She was walking past the cavern when she heard it, a splashing sound, and she turned back to peer into the partial darkness. A fish? Sounded tasty. She started into the cave, noting the somewhat slippery rocks and being careful as she steppd over them.


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