White Noise

WC :: +520

OOC ::

The frothing waves seemed to soothe his mind, cleaning away the dirt and debris that the nightmares had left. There was something about the ocean that Helotes had not appreciated until he has arrived at Inferni, something about the immensity of it that made one realize that their individual problems were of no consequence, and to the Lykoi male this was like a breath of fresh air. He did not have the ability to leave his worries behind and tended to dwell on them, tended to take upon himself the pains of his loved ones; but the ocean, it swept it all away, if for but a brief moment.

The small turn of the head and smile that Halo afforded him was not lost on the male and he could not stop himself from returning the expression. Halo rarely smiled genuinely, but when she did he could see in her the woman that she might have become, if it hadn’t been for whatever in her past had turned her so cold and dark. But, then again, there was something about her venomous nature that attracted him; Helotes always had a thing for mean girls.

She asked him what he was doing here, and he could hear the restraint in her voice. He looked over to her, dark umber eyes scanning her face, lingering on her smiling lips; was she trying to have a normal conversation with him? Helotes was shocked, and the shock caused a million flapping wings to erupt in his belly. He would have to be cautious now, Halo was like a deer, easily frightened off, easily closed away in these situations. But here was Helotes’ long awaited chance, perhaps there was a relationship here that went beyond master and apprentice.

Helotes took a short breath and looked back at the sea, Patrolling. A wolf female came on the beach several weeks ago and her presence was… difficult. I wish to make sure she does not return. His eyes darkened at this; if Firefly Sadira ever was foolish enough to set foot on Inferni soil again, he would not hold back, Zana’s protests or no.

Helotes then calmed again, his face relaxing and he turned back to Halo, a soft smile playing on the corners of his lips, And you? He watched as she wrapped her slender arms around her frame, in reaction to the chill perhaps. Helotes suddenly had the immense desire to wrap his arms around her, but knew this was one of the silliest thoughts he had ever conjured. Still… the idea of holding something so dangerous in ones arms… what a thrilling idea. Now that Zana had been more absent then not, Helotes had found his eyes wandering more frequently to the other females. Truth be told, Helotes was a lonely, his bed cold and empty. It had been several moon's turns since he had been with a woman, and now it was starting to take his toll on him. But for now, Halo would have to be a dark fantasy to him, forever unattainable, must like Zana. Why did he torture himself so?

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