wrap your arms around desire
.: OOC :. PP of Zana and Timori, if you don't mind.

The dark Lykoi male was in a huff, running along the borders like something possessed. He was doing it more for exercise then anything, the rush of feeling his muscles burn and ache from the strain was invigorating. He had finally fashioned a sling for his metal tip bow staff and the weapon was securely attached to his back, easily accessible with a quick draw of his paw. Helotes relished the idea that he now had a tool at his command that could eviscerate the thickest hides if he wanted it too, even better than his claws or teeth ever could.

The Lykoi male went bounding over fallen logs, boulders and crevices, enjoying the feel of his large paws hitting the cold wet ground, the feel of his claws digging into the wet earth. This is what it felt to be in one’s prime, healthy, well fed, and strong. Helotes felt like he could take on the world! His loins ached for the heat of a woman, his teeth yearned for the tearing of flesh; but for now, running had to do.

He was making his way to the beach, a place he had been frequenting more and more; it was the last place he had seen Zana, the last place he had seen an enemy, Firefly, and just the day prior he had had a pleasant run in with Halo, something that he was still trying to figure out. The normally cold woman had been nearly warm that day, and they had conversed pleasantly. Helotes could not help but trace her curves over and over again in his mind; a flawless woman that he could never attain, but such was the story of his life. And just then, irony raised it’s cruel face to him, and as a he came to the crest of a dune he saw a ginger form in the waves. Zana.

He was so enthralled by her, when the waves hit her chest, framing her small breasts in wet fur that clung, that he barely noticed the second small figure out the beach. Umber eyes darted to see a small coyote pup, gray as the sea with flecks of fire, as it dug in the rocky sand. Helotes head nearly turned ninety degrees as he stared at this little creature and then his eyes went back to Zana, who seemed quite busy with fighting the tides.

Getting down on all fours, Helotes crept silently down onto the shore, stalking, but his movements were made out of curiosity rather than blood lust. He silently made his way to the pup, trying to keep out of Zana’s peripheral vision; he wanted to meet this little tyke on his own, without her lavender eyes watching. He came upon the pup then, his form massive in comparison to the little thing, and stuck his dark nose into the creature's soft belly. Though the pup was obviously frightened by the appearance of the big male, it licked at his nose as he sniffed; the pup reeked of Zana.

Helotes glanced over at her, she was still amongst the waves, before lookingback down at the little guy, Hola un poco. He whispered, giving the pup a lick on the belly, ¿Quién eres tú? The soft Spanish coo caused a shift in the pup's demeanor, and it began to wag it's little rear end as it attacked Helotes face with this puppy kisses, as well whimpering and barking at him. Helotes smiled, he had forgotten how much he loved pups.

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.: WC :: +588 :.

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