Ghost of the Past

She sat quietly, amused that the two felines before her seemed to dance some strange note of etiquette that was known to cats alone. Her smaller friend finally had settled before the two and with his eyes half closed he took in their surroundings, one ear arched and listening to the whole world while to any just passing by they would assume the kitten was dozing. She chuckled at the idea and moved forward to lick the small kitten's forehead, knowing that he hated the sign of affection and how it seemed to show the world he was a child still. She smiled slightly as she turned her gaze back to the ebony feline who was dancing about their borders.

Zana was not use to actually having conversations with cats. Sup-Sup and his siblings had been an accident, as she had killed their mother for means of survival not realizing that there were young involved. She had taken the kittens under wing and they had found family across the clan's lands now. She liked the idea that Sup-Sup would still have family within the lands but as well as the protection of the clan. She wasn't certain if the whole of the clan was so overly friendly towards the smaller creatures but she wouldn't see a bit of fur harmed on them now that she'd come to know them properly.

The pygmy Lykoi couldn't help the bitter sweet smile that spread over her lips as the male feline spoke. She shook her head slightly as she admitted. "I've learned to manage.. but the world will never belong to a creature like me little one.." There was a balance in the world and while felines and the larger canines had their places she had not yet found just where she belonged in all honesty, but she hadn't quit looking.

She hadn't wished her posture to change but she couldn't help it as the feline finally fell upon telling the reason he had come to their borders. Her heckles rose slightly as she growled lightly, "Halo still resides here.." She doubted the woman would ever disappear from the lands but she could hope. There was no easy way in life with the dark souled bitch roaming the lands.

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