White Noise

WC :: +648

OOC ::

The look on her face when he mentioned the wolfess was an expression that he was used to seeing grace the sculpted features of his master. Saying she disliked wolves was an understatement, and though he did not despise them as she did, they were becoming more like a thorn in his side than anything else. But the violent death of the nameless wolf who had attacked him and Symera had brought him greater pleasure then he would like to admit; perhaps it had just been the opportunity to put his new found strength and battle aptitude to the test that had brought him so much delight, rather than the species of what he had released his power upon. Either way, he was glad it was a wolf he had killed, rather than another of his kind, or even a dog. Helotes knew he carried the blood of both dogs and wolves in his veins, but it was something that did not cause him angst. His mother was part German Shepherd, a proud canine with a strong lineage; Helotes held no shame in that blood. The wolf in him was a remnant of his grandfather, Kaena’s first mate, and if Kaena felt that this wolf was worthy to father her first offspring, then Helotes had no reason to doubt that piece of his heritage.

Helotes was drawn away from this thoughts suddenly as a velvet soft paw tipped with razors came at his face. For the smallest fraction of a second, he thought Halo might be attacking him, but as her hand came into contact with his cheek, and her voice cooed out a phrase that was neither here nor there, Helotes’ jaw nearly fell open. He was torn suddenly, between three different reactions; pull away from her touch, stand perfectly frozen, or lean into it. He stood then, eyes looking at her with an expression that was friendly though confused, without losing its neutrality. Just before she pulled away, he managed to give some pressure back into her hand, the most subtlest of nuzzles.

But it was over quickly, and the ice queen drew back up her frosty curtain, if not completely. Helotes couldn’t help but let his tail wag slowly behind him, as he listened to her talk. But his mirth was short lived, as she suggested that he should have just killed the intruding female. Helotes frowned, It would have been. But she left of her own accord, as so wished by our Caelum, who had come upon her first. He hadn’t really wished to bring Zana up, but he tried to remain as professional as possible, using her rank rather than her name. Helotes would not tell Halo it had been her sister either, it was not his place to speak into Zana’s family, nor discuss it with anyone else. Besides, Helotes knew very well that Zana and Halo were… not the best of friends to say the least.

The male Lykoi then shifted his weight from one paw to another, for comfort only. He best change the subject, though he was sure Halo would relish speaking ill about Zana if she could. Helotes was glad that his master did not know about his relationship with Zana, hell, he wasn’t even sure what their relationship was anymore. He did miss her though as she more often than not was outside Inferni, or at the farthest borders, doing her job.

Your pups, he started, They are strong and beautiful, I must say I envy you on this, I have never fathered pups. Something that hadn’t bothered him the past, but now as he was reaching the apex of his prime years he felt that perhaps it would be time to sow his seeds. He knew he had strong genes and would father strong pups, if he could find the right female to do so with.

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