White Noise
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sosuwrimo 822

Ack, how silly. She had lost her soft touch long ago. The fingers on the hand that had so foolishly reach out for him now curled together, as a swiftly withering flower would by the end of summer. But he had responded well, she guessed, though eyes had not missed the short moment where he had frozen. Her own reaction to such a move would surely have been bolder, and likely of a more… violent nature. It was what set her aside from the rest; her inability to lean into a simple touch. Samael had stripped her for her carefree nature with cruel force, along with her precious virginity. That memory would never become sweet to her, even if the scales had turned to favour her today. To change such a permanent side of her wasn’t even something to consider. Shame had taken its toll, and even if it was gone now, the marks would always be there, deep under her skin. It was a blessing that she had no memory of Itachi’s father.

He explained, and she peered at him, eyes of freshly drawn blood narrowing as he mentioned the Caelum. It was a shame that she had thrown herself out of the loop. Had she known it was Zana he spoke of, she wouldn’t willingly have let it go as easily as she did now. But for time being, the Inferni member he spoke of remained faceless as well as nameless. For now. She didn’t like what she heard though, and would probably have questioned him more on this topic if he hadn’t been so good at leading her astray with words of her children. Blankness washed over her face in initial surprise at the sharp change of subject, but the male had chosen well. She didn’t know how much Helotes had seen of her two youngest. She had kept them away from the rest of the clan for longer than she should have, but they had been allowed to roam the mansion more or less freely for some weeks now, and so she supposed it wasn’t strange that he felt secure enough to compliment them.

She could have laughed at him and asked if he could have expected anything less from a woman such as herself. She knew well how beautiful her exterior was, and wasn’t all that surprised that she had given birth to beautiful children with appearances beyond the usual standard. But pride and arrogance only got her that far, and she wasn’t about to boast cruelly around those she decided to be worthy of her time. Instead, she let the strain fall off her face and offered him an expression rather rare to her. Her children were precious beings she had loved the moment she had discovered that life had bloomed within her womb once again, and traces of that blissful emotion could not be banished from her face as she thought about the twins. ”Thank you,” she started, scarlet hues drawing away from his form and hiding beneath fluttery lashes in a short moment of passing shyness. It was the last topic she had expected to be brought up.

”I’m happy to hear that, for I myself cannot see my children objectively.” Even Itachi, as flawed as he was, was a creature she couldn’t see without the motherly goggles, and it kept her from treating him as she would have treated any other blood traitor. Once she thought she could have slashed his throat open if she had only managed to come close enough, but today she knew better. She would not be able to take her child’s life, no matter the crime. Sad, but true. Children might only be beautiful to her because they were her creation. Perhaps the man’s compliment wasn’t genuine, but that possibility never crossed her mind.

It didn’t take long before her crimson found his face again, now less reserved than before. ”I’m certain you will father your own litter one day,” she spoke, tones soothing and hopeful. She knew what to look for in a male, and knew good genes when she saw them. Perhaps his rage left him at a disadvantage, but for the purpose of reproduction, she would rather consider it an asset. Their blood was beautiful and strong, and she craved it in more than one way. ”Though..” She let the word linger on her tongue, not eager to insult the females of the clan so readily. She hadn’t met the man’s sister, and more than one member would cringe at the idea of such incest. Truth was that she couldn’t really think of any worthy females with acceptable genes, with her as an exception, of course. Ah, her arrogance seemed to know no limit.

Your faith walks on broken glass

Halo Lykoi

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