. p U l S e .
[html]OOC: Hiya SmileSmile Yay for the Soran/Khaden reuinion Smile Also: 1079 words Smile


The ebony lady was delighting in laying in a real bed once again, she had to admit she had missed the comfort of the old Syemv house, knowing that she was more or less safe, being able to take the weight off of her weary paws and lay on a cushioned bed, to be out of the drafts and prevailing winds. It saved her having to dig a den. But even with this new found relaxation, the ebony lady was laying awake, trying to find justification for the wilder side of her nature as to why she way laying in a bed and not in a muddy den she had dug herself. Finally she settled on a reason, she was getting to be an older lady and deserved comfort sometimes, besides, she needed to be as close to her wreck of a son as possible, the obsidian lady needed to be there for her eldest boy at this, his greatest time of need. And he did need her here, after all he had been through she supposed he deserved a mother like he had had when he was small, one that would care for him unconditionally and lavish attention on him, and she was more than willing to be her old self for him. It made the pain of having lost his youngest siblings lessen a little, being able to dote on one of her children, she still hoped to seek out Khaden and Dhalia and make amends with them.
After a short while of sleeplessness, of tossing and turning and turning her jade eyes to stare at the bland whitewashed ceiling, the lady rose from her bed. Today she had awoken too early, jolted awake by a dream of Akaro and the loss of their pups and despite her attempts to get back to sleep she could not. Soran stretched lazily, raising her arms high above her head, her fingertips all but brushing the ceiling. Slowly she pulled the old, dusty curtains open and stared through the smudged glass of her window up at the night sky, it was beginning to lighten slightly to the east, but barely so, stars still shone out from the inky black sky. The jade eyed lady stifled a yawn and began to braid her long ebony mane, securing the plait with a strand of brown leather, working through muscle memory, eyes still focused on the land outside of the window, watching the small family of rabbits that were bouncing around the garden. Green eyes focused more sharply on the small creatures bounding around the garden, nibbling nonchalantly at the long strands of summer grass. Without a sound, the ebony lady slipped on her two necklaces, the sharp piece of flint hanging on the leather strand and her more beloved necklace, the silver pentagram from Deuce. She touched each of them fondly before crossing the room in a few long strides and slipping out into the hallway.
She crossed through the dark house quickly and stepped out of the back door into the chilled predawn air. Silently, looping around the garden, she came up behind the innocent, fat little creatures, one of them spotted her and began to run, followed by the rest, all but one, one little creature so engrossed in eating that it did not notice the approaching ebony predator. Quickly, Soran lunged forwards, catching it by the scruff easily, snapping it's slight neck. She padded indoors and left it on the table for Conri, she would get her own breakfast later. Again she stepped out of the house, this time through the front door, she inhaled the cold night air, sniffing at it slightly, enjoying the slight chilled breeze ruffling her dark fur. She let out a lazy yawn and began to walk, unsure where she was going, just exploring in the early morning when she was unlikely to be disturbed, she needed to fill in a mental map of this place if she were to call it home.
Her idea of being undisturbed was soon quashed, Soran's head snapped in the direction of the sudden echoing howl that had broken her reverie and the silence of the early morning. The lady soon began after the sound, long legs covering the distance through the lands with ease. As she went she sniffed the air, the scent, as far as she could tell was familiar, though different, as if she were trying to remember a dream, but it was falling through her fingers, like the sand on the beach had just days before. She sighed softly, but continued on, curious to meet a new packmate, wondering who else she was sharing these lands with, it turned out that Conri was actually the head of this pack, so the lady wondered who had chosen to come and live with her son in the magnificent house that he had found.
Finally she reached the source of the howl, the black male looked, and smelt, so familiar, though she approached him from behind, watching his back cautiously. It couldn't be, surely? Soran was not blessed with enough luck to run into both her sons within the same lands and in the same week no less! It was impossible, but still, the male that stood with his back to her smelt so familiar, even though Soran had barely seen the jade eyed boy all of her life, scent was the most potent stimulator of memory and the scent that emanated from this male made her instantly think of that innocent little pup with the large jade eyes, her son. It was impossible though, wasn't it? Though he would have grown since she had last seen him, she couldn't imagine that he would have gotten this large so quickly.
"Khaden?" She asked cautiously, unsure what she would say either way, if it wasn't him then how could she explain the mistaken identity, this dark wolf would be curious to know who Khaden was and then she would have to explain. But if it was him, how would she be able to explain what she had done to him? How could she apologise for what she had done? She had left him countless times at such a young age, she had no answers, she had been so lost, she couldn't help herself. But how could she tell him that? Though she doubted he'd ever forgive her, even if she managed to find the words to apologise and explain.

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