White Noise

WC :: +503

OOC ::

The ginger female seemed surprised when he mentioned her pups, but not in a negative fashion. He wondered if she didn’t have many people come to congratulate her on her litter, something that to him was a must. His mother had come from a close-knit family, and where his father lacked love his mother expounded upon it. She would often tell Helotes and his siblings that family should be the most important in one’s life and that the bond between mother and child was the strongest of all. Puppies were always something to be celebrated, the introduction of new life into a pack was one of the greatest gifts that could be bestowed. Helotes believed in this unwaveringly, and though Halo had done well to shield her pups as any good mother would, it did not mean that she shouldn’t be praised for them.

Her demeanor changed, and she displayed an emotion that he had not seen her show before; bashfulness. She thanked him for his compliment, and a flash of shyness gleamed over her features for a moment. In that second, she looked simply angelic and the wag of Helotes tail quickened again. She spoke of how she could not look upon her own children objectively and this did not surprise him; though the bond between mother and child was strong, it was also blind. Mother’s always loved their children till the bitter end, sometimes ignoring blatant flaws in their offspring; Halo did not seem the exception to this rule, but Helotes had no issue with it.

Then commenting on his statement, she spoke that he would surely father pups someday and he couldn’t help but smile gently; he would make a good father, he was sure of it. Good father’s seemed to be lacking the Lykoi family, but he would not continue the sins of those before him; no, he would be a strong and stable force within the lives of his children and he would love them with undying passion. It was something that he had sorely missed in his own childhood, and had it not been for the strength of his mother then Helotes might have turned out very differently, in fact, he most likely would resemble Columbine.

Helotes' ear swiveled though when Halo left a word hanging in the air, a word that threatened to envelope him. He looked at her somewhat curiously, and then picking up on her subtle cues finished what he believed she had meant to say, albeit in a gentler tone then she might have said, I would have to find a good female to carry my children. A strong bitch who would make a good mother. Sadly, this has not happened… yet. He crossed his arms then and took a step forwards towards the crashing waves and closed his eyes, letting the wind wash over the soft fur of his face, Soon… I hope. His eyes opened then and he glanced back at her, eyes like burning coals, yet his face was cool.

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