M - we were drawn from the weeds
every memory that I hold

were all just scars in the making

SSWM Word Count → 260 :: Ohhh lookit me I'm a crappy post again.

Curse Helotes and his devil’s grin. Vesper stared sullenly into the flames then glanced at him when he opened up the bottle and drank. She was about to feel pleased that he was at least proving this wasn’t poison when he started coughing; then, she wasn’t so sure.

She narrowed her eyes at the male as the bottle was offered to her. “Are you—” she began to snap, but before she could finish with an insult to his intelligence and will to live, his challenge struck her. Her ears stood tall then fell back with reluctant agreement. Despite her insistence that she didn’t need to prove herself to anyone, she wanted to prove herself now, again, after the fight.

“Fine,” the tawny woman spat. “Give me that, then.” She grabbed the bottle, sniffed its contents uneasily, and tilted it back. Not used to sipping from cups or containers, she more or less splashed it into her mouth.

Immediately, she began sputtering then coughing, spitting some of the vodka back up. She reached for her throat with a pale hand, eyes tearing up even as she glared daggers at the male.

“And you luperci like shit like this?” Vesper asked. She felt as though she’d swallowed nasty chemical fire—but there was something odd about the blaze of fire swirling now in her belly. To try to keep herself from thinking about it, she all but threw the bottle back at him and asked instead, hiding her misgivings the best she could, “What did you want to talk about, Helotes?”

Vesper Optime by Nat; table code from the Mentors!

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