White Noise
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sosuwrimo 497

She was rather pleased that he caught on to her unfinished sentence and went on about it without meeting the silent wall as she had. Scarlet peered for judgement in his face, but found none. She knew she was an arrogant snot for talking so lowly of the females she could think of at this moment, but it was the simple truth. How odd that she had chosen to leave her sentence unfinished though. The woman was loud and careless when she spoke, more often than not, and it was uncharacteristic of her to hesitate to speak her mind. She would have to think this over once she was done with this ordeal. But she was glad to hear such words spoken by him, for that had to mean that he agreed with her views, no? Halo was led to believe so, and simply shrugged, offering him a light grimace, the hybrid of frown and a smile, to show her agreement on the matter.

Genes did not make good parents though. She hoped—knew that she had been prepared this time around. Her maternal abilities had been close to non-existent when Itachi had been born, so her ability to raise children clearly wasn’t something she had been born with. Halo had lived long under the belief that she was never going to have children. Ah, one of the many mistakes she had made in her four years of life. The bitch had changed, and was glad that she had turned out wrong. It was important to continue the bloodline she so adored. Once Amnesty and Oblivion grew older, perhaps she would start looking for suitable genes once again. It was a thought she was well comfortable with. Motherhood had not pushed away her freedom as she had feared it would, and she felt positive she would have the energy to reproduce and continue to act as the clan’s Triarii for quite some time.

The lacking father figure was less than ideal though, but it seemed impossible for her to find someone willing to stay. She had decided that a life without love and a mate was one she could bear without too much difficulty. Halo had learned to accept this, and the thought was no longer the source of deep depression. She smiled at the male’s back as he took a dramatic step towards the ocean. She could understand his wish though, and let her large ears drop with mild empathy. The flaw wasn’t his, but the pathetic excuses for females. She met his gaze when he turned to look back at her, but she wasn’t a soother, as he was well aware. Instead, she kept her smile in place while searching her mind for words that could prove helpful. ”Maybe,” she shrugged, failing miserably at lifting his spirits. There wasn’t much she could do for him. Or, well. That wasn’t true, now was it.

Your faith walks on broken glass

Halo Lykoi

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