[M] But break, my heart, for I must hold my tongue
Amy stood next to a trader, listening to him describe the price of the beasts behind him. As horses went, they were alright, but the price asked was far too demanding. Sharply she reminded him of who she was, and what he owed her. The idiot refused to back down though. Furious Amy drew her sword, and neatly sliced off his head. A few merchants shuddered and backed away, but they had been fully aware of the deal that the man had struck with the death merchant. What had happened was no less than what was expected.

She stood and moved over to the horses, ignoring the scuffle behind him as some moved around, cleaning away the dead body. A furious man, believing himself to be justice ran forward with a cry, hand stretched out to claw apart her body. Not even turning Amy whipped her hand backward, a sharp blow against the man's head. Growling slightly she turned. What do you think you're doing? Defiantly the man stared at her. You had no right to kill that merchant. He was a good wolf, with family. Coldly Amy walked up to him. Then he should have thought of that before he agreed to the deal. He tried to betray me, and paid the price.

The lesson was clear. Her name meant little except to those that traded with her, far away from her family's reputation. They wouldn't interfere with her though, as her mark was clear. If they dealt with her, they would play by her rules or die. Amy returned to the horses, looking over those that she would bring back to trade.

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