White Noise

WC :: +475

OOC :: MUWUAHA! You give me one spoken word? I GIVE YOU NONE! >Tongue

Her shrug and mild response to his theatrical display was expected and Helotes nodded. He would eventually find a mate, he had no doubt, but the irony of his situation was not lost on him. It was a lie to say that there were no good females in Inferni, for one stood right before him. But the possibility of courting and bedding Halo were basically less then non-existent, for she was a new mother and would most likely not go into heat again for some time. And even if she did, she would probably go again to the pup’s father, whoever that was, rather than Helotes or any of the other males of Inferni. And then there was Zana, who would be perfect if it wasn’t for her small form. Helotes basically felt like he had been cursed, forever doomed to one night stands and flings with no hope for a true mate-ship and family. Oh woe is he.

Helotes snuffed these ridiculous thoughts out with a mere huff of his throat, his breath rising above him like dragon smoke. He ran his pink tongue over the off white daggers that were his teeth, glancing out over the ocean again. The drizzle was letting up, thank god, Helotes hated the rain. Uncrossing his arms, the fit male reached up to pull the sopping, crimson stained mane out of his eyes and flicked drops from his ears. He then turned again to face his master and look at her sultry form, her wet fur clinging to her body in the most tempting of ways. Helotes nearly sighed in frustration.

Had she not been as strong a woman, or had he been a stronger man, Helotes would have taken her right then and there, like he had done to the naïve Valkyrie those many moons ago. In fact, it hadn’t had been since that time near the Inferni caverns, the day after he had first arrived on the clan lands, that he had been with a woman. This was not like him, for in his old pack he had many a maid to supply him with the pleasures that came along with physicality. He wondered now if perhaps what Halo had so subtly suggested was keeping him from acting out his testosterone fueled urges; there were just no good women here, at least good in the way of loose women. How interesting… he wondered what it would be like for the other men of the clan when his sister showed up.

A strand, a single strand of ebony hair fell into the Tirarii’s face then, and Helotes’ hand twitched. He wanted to reach up and push that strand away, to give him a clear view of those ruby eyes of which he suddenly found himself staring into. This female truly was a cobra in her own right.

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