. p U l S e .
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/p ... c2b4-1.jpg); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
out of character

this will be interesting. o_o;

wc: 411

in character

It rose to the magnificent zenith, before dropping as if Khaden himself could see how far and how wide his magnificent song could reach. It soared over the Rabbit Lake, drawled against the Symev Beach, a lazily blanketed over the Haven Manor. Clouds of condensation, despite how warm the day might come to unfold emerging from the darker abyss that claimed the skies currently, buffed the atmosphere. Khaden knew he was doing a rude gesture, pushing his sound towards possibly many sleeping packmates, but he couldn't help it. But as he watched and waited, he knew he hadn't awoken anyone, and anyone who had been awake, was not going to come to his attention. He rolled his shoulders, shifting weight from one paw to the next before he turned away from the scenery. Khaden had to find a way to entertain himself before the sun broke over the horizon.

Khaden was less prone to the other half of his luperci side - bi-pedal and whatnot - and severely enjoyed the more canine, wolfish side of his species. He preferred his halfling form immensely, and giving the scene a quick survey once again, he turned around, no longer facing towards the Manor but instead towards the borders. His jade eyes seemed to melt behind a curtain of ebony as he centered his thoughts toward himself and made the shift. His fur lengthened dramatically, uncut and free as it toppled down his chest and spine, brushing wispily at his legs. His face widened, his claws lengthened and retracted as he flexed them, and he could feel the growing of his own fangs.

Letting his stark emerald eyes slit open again, he already felt much better. Facing upwind, he let the soft breeze trickle down his body, letting him absorb all the scents from beyond the borders of Twilight Vale. He smiled softly to himself, and lifted a forepaw to rub his face before gearing himself for a nice run. It was, of course, then where he heard his name, and in a flash he whirled around. His haunches raised, claws out and ready, his body tensed and pushed for a fight. He caught full sight of the femme afore him - older, much older than most of the wolves he had already met. His brows furrowed, disregarding any uncanny sixth sense that bugged at his defense and cocked his head. "Who are you?" He demanded, watching the bi-pedal luperci. "Why do you know my name?"

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