wrap your arms around desire

She had not meant to avoid her dark hued cousin for as long as she had, she had even went to the point of stopping by his room in the mansion with the puppy in town in hopes that he would be home but their two ranks kept them on their paws and busier than almost any other creature in the clan. She had never minded just how busy her duties had kept her til now. With the demands of the child and her role within the clan she wondered just how long she would last before she broke. These thoughts were chilly and cold, colder than the waters that danced and lapped at her pelt. She tried to push them from her mind as she sighed, her eyes glancing to the small child for a moment, a fluttering danced in her heart as she watched him so proudly attempting to bury his caught and captured prey. She shook her head and waded slightly further into the waters before ducking down under the waves.

She flung her head back, her back arched at the bitter cold of the salty waters as she let the oceans life flow back to the sea in curtains down her back. Her strawberry blond curls like dark deadly snakes playing down her neck and spine, dancing in the weak sunlight as the ocean misted over them with every crashing wave that framed the small Lykoi woman's body. It was rare that the woman danced with the sea and she hadn't been partners with the ocean since well before she'd found herself wounded on the borders of Salsosa. Now she was lulled into the game, the rush of the waves and the pull of the tide her drug, the very salt in her veins answering praise to the sea as she felt her heart beat and hammer with the fierce wild beauty of the ocean all around her.

She let her body fall perfectly into the motion of the ocean, the dance steps she knew by heart. They were not something one could be taught but had to learn, to love and to accept that one could never fully master the sea. She had found solitude in these things long ago and the fluid motions of her body gracefully pulling through the currents was like that savage song of the bow, the whistle and snap of the cord as the arrow was finally let lose to find it's point, deadly and sure driven home in the heart and soul of some hapless beast. Sometimes that arrow went astray but here in the sea there was no room for aimless drifting and it was a deadly mistake to believe it was possible without paying the consequences.

She knew that the child was safe enough on the sands of the beach, the ever rolling tide was dying away now, the dance drawing to an end as the sea claimed back the soils of the land and the waters of the ocean once more. Soon the time would come when the flow of waters around her would be so weak that she would have to do little but patter back to the shore, cold damp and misty eyed. There was still power in the flow though as she let only her ears trail in the mortal world, a constant flag of attention for the sounds of her time cousin as she let the ocean claim her stress and tension, the worries of a world she couldn't fully command easing from her bones and into the father sea. She would be weak as a kitten by the time she was done but the world would be bright again and her soul aching to pull against the bit and challenge the whole of it all once more.

She was feeling the pull of the ocean begin to slowly push on her frame now. She had been in the waters for far too long and she was starting to awaken to the fact that the child had probably become bored with the game she was playing so far away and out of reach. Alarm bells were ringing in her ears as she remembered her slight brush in with the annoying woman from the Court a few days past when the de le Poer child had tried sneaking down an small game trail. She had been paralyzed with fear at losing him or the boy falling prey to the dangers of their world and in the end she'd almost salvaged the poor woman who had done little but try and figure out why the boy was wandering across the clan lands alone. She had felt a pang of guilt at her over reaction but she believed that it was better than not reacting at all and possibly losing the child. The woman had always seemed a bit fair shady to the pygmy Lykoi bitch.

She had finally given into the storm warning that were going off, telling her to turn her attention back to the world she had to parade in every day, to savor the life of the puppy and the joys and hardships that came with the new found duties of motherhood. She sighed, opening her eyes once more and turned back to gaze upon her small nephew. Surprise through her perfectly posed body into ridged shock as she caught the larger frame of another right atop the small boy. A savage snarl broke from her throat as she screamed, "Timori!" the salty water having turned her docile tones raw in the time she'd spent in the water, the voice sounding more primal than it ever had as her eyes flashed dangerously.

In that moment the push of a larger wave threw her off balanced body into the waters, the roll of the rip current dragging her down and back out towards the deeper waters of the bay as she struggled to resurface. She hadn't realized that the form she had seen had belonged to Helotes and her heart and soul were in a panic now as she fought to gain control of the ocean just once. Her head rolled above the waves for a moment, she gasped, brine water filling her mouth and throat as she coughed and choked. She dove back under the waves and began to swim back in. Her body was weak and the pull of the sea was strong but this once she had something worth fighting for as she locked in on the shoreline, pulling her tide weary form through the ocean and back to the confinements of the land.

She stumbled out of the water, her body quivering as she snarled. Her grey lavender eyes had turned a stormy deep grey with the smallest hint of purple at the heart of it's squall as she dropped to all fours, letting her talons dig into the sands as she growled a warning to the beast, her heart beating out a fearful song as she prayed that the small form of the child was intact and no harm had fallen upon him.

Suddenly she found herself just dropping from pure exhaustion into the sands. She was beyond embarrassed as she finally had recognized the scent and form of the male before her. Her eyes slowly fading back to their natural hue as she looked like a rag tag piece of wreckage from some vessel that the sea had chucked upon their shoreline. She lay there gasping like a fish out of water as she moaned. "Helotes.. what.. are you doing." She didn't even bother attempting to compose herself for she knew the child was fine..and she doubted there was any coming back from her graceless entrance upon the sands anyways.

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