Long live love

Word Count → 427 :: Table by Raze.

The small wolf was so interesting. She tried her best to shuffle away from the predatory bird but her large blue eyes never left him. He stared at her and she stared back like a frightened rabbit. So small and such a funny puppy. Eventually Fawkes lost interest in her, and decided to preen himself. He worked on his breast, taking each feather and smoothing it between his beak.

Hotaru could hear the panic and fear in the puppy's voice. She was young. Her vocabulary was limited and her sentences were incomplete. The voice was not casted directly towards Hotaru, making the blind woman aware that Fawkes must be very close to the young puppy. Hotaru strode over to where Sophie's voice originated and listened carefully for the clicking of Fawkes's beak. With a quick had she shoo'ed the predatory bird away. With some hint of disgust the bird flew off to a nearby branch, babbling all the while in low speech how much he disliked the change in location.

"There, that should do it. It is nice to meet you Sophie, my name is Hotaru." The blind wolf reached out and felt the small back of the puppy. Using Sophie as a guide the blind wolf sat down next to her hiding spot and cocked her head in the direction of the puppy. She smile a little, trying to reassure Sophie that she was safe. Gently, Hotaru removed her hand and shifted the satchel into her lap. "I'm sorry if he frightened you, he really is a sweet heart. Believe it or not, that bird was worried about you. So tell me, what is a brave puppy like you doing way out here in these woods."

As Hotaru spoke she shuffled through her bag, placing tools of various shapes and sizes on the ground. Hotaru also placed a square piece of cloth and a jar on the ground just above the rest of the tools. Inside the cloth was a piece of shark skin and inside the jar was a special oil used to protect finished pieces. If Hotaru was going to sit and talk to a puppy, she might as well have something to do. If Hotaru was lucky, Sophie would be interested in her work and would decide not to run away. Hotaru worked with a large knife to remove the outer bark of the wood, making it's edges smooth and soft. The hard chunks of bark quickly giving way to curled pieces of heartwood that littered her legs and the ground around her.

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