Dawn of a New Day

He had been surprised at how quickly the ways of his old pack had flowed back into his blood. Perhaps they had never fully left but in the end he would never know. His very veins sang with the song that filled the air as for the first time the alphas had joined voices, their song dipping and calling, weaving a story for the pack to tell. His body raised up strong and proud as he moved like a herald across the lands, his own soft song carrying in the winds, announcing that he was on his way, a soft flitting song to the strong cords the alphas had carried.

His massive frame had pounded away the earth from the edge of the pack territories to the heart of their domain where the alphas had gathered. His heart sang at being part of this new foundation, bringing the true way of the wolves back into the cycle of things. His heart pounded as he slowly approached, his tail low and curled between his legs, his body close to the ground and his throat bared as he followed behind the woman who's scent sang of Sorans. His mind naturally told him this had to be the Beta's mate and he kept quiet as he watched and listened to her pay homage to their lord and lady.

His gold shot sapphire eyes turned up to the lovely pair as she finished. They had not yet addressed her and there was little he could do to address himself until they had decided to accept her submission and gifts. He closed his eyes, a soft whine rising from his throat as he felt his frame shift underneath him, naturally going into a deeper pose of submission as his heart pounded and his soul soared. This was home at least.

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