wrap your arms around desire
.: OOC :. OOC.

The little pup began to giggle and snort at Helotes’ prying snout and the Lykoi male couldn’t help but laugh along. He had wanted to do this very thing with Halo’s pups, though she would never allow such a thing. But Helotes was a family man, and he had not been around pups for a long time, so having been given the chance to interact with one he readily took it. The little gray pup then retrieved a pink shell for him, that had been half buried and Helotes put on an astonished face, Para mí? he said, exaggerating his flattery, Usted no debería tener. And he took the little shell from the pup and playfully gnawed on it.

This playful reverie however was cut short by a blood curdling screech that could only come from Zana. Helotes ears shot straight up and he caught sight of her just as her small body fell beneath the waves. The Lykoi male did not hesitate, immediately dropping the shell and running straight into the frothing surf. He could not see his ginger cousin anywhere, and he frantically waded out, Zana! ZANA! Fear suddenly gripped him fiercely around the throat; the tide could easily have pulled his friend under never to be seen again.

Helotes exited the waves then, and paced along the shore frantically along the place he had last seen her, Zana, Zana no! He whimpered, whines and cries escaping his throat. She surely must have drowned.

Helotes hung his head, despair coming over him, and he would had sunk to his knees crying then and there if it hadn’t been for the sound of coughing and sputtering. He whip his head to the side in time to see Zana collapse in the sand, a snarl melting from her face as she looked upon him. He ran over to her and scooped her up in his arms, and began planting warm coyote kisses all over her face. She tasted like salt.

He whimpered as he did this, Dios mio I thought you were dead! He cried, burying his face into her soaking fur. He then took her over to the pup, who had been watching all this with astute interest, and set her down in the sand next to him, What the hell were you doing so far out there! Helotes then snarled, angry that Zana would put herself in such danger.

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.: WC :: +401 :.

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